Sunday, January 25, 2009

:: Simple Sunday::

Just a few pics from today. I'm so mad...the camera was on the wrong setting, hence the fuzz. I knew better than to take it out of AV mode, but wanted to play with another setting. Won't be using that one again! :) The photo shoot from yesterday is in limbo, we put a reservation in with Mr. Sun and he is supposed to let us know when he wants to come back out...we're still waiting.

We're sophisticated y'all...we sit on coolers.
P.S. Try not and notice the beer can on the bar...
or the half eaten 'nuffin' on the cooler...
That's his 'I dunno' face...

Climbin', Climbin', Climbin'

This is Trey saying, "Come on Summer time!"


Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

I miss them so much I want to go to sleep now so that I can wake up tomarrow morning to see them :)

Kristen and Andy said...

Hey Kristy,

Your pictures are gorgeous!!! I love the ones with Emery & her Daddy...just melts your heart. I'll defintely have to keep you in mind when we're ready to get more pics done.