Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This week we went to church on Saturday evening, and it was probably one of the most moving services I have ever witnessed. I have been waiting to post about it until the video was up. Thanks to Donald, it's up! Go HERE to watch it on Donald's blog (under Cardboard Testimonies). I must say, the video doesn't do it justice. It's about 10 minutes long, but it's worth it.

It was especially touching to me, because just last week Joe and I had been talking about how sometimes I still struggle with the fact that I don't have my dad (I know, it's been almost 15 years) and that I know God is so, so, so good...I just wish he would have let me have my dad a little longer (okay, a lot longer). Anyway, once you watch the video, you can guess which one I LOST it on. It pretty much slapped me upside the head, that I do have a Father, the Almighty Father. Sometimes it takes something like that to shake us up and get on the right path. I watched it this morning on Donald's blog and almost lost it again.

I hope you get as much out of it as I did.

1 comment:

Drew said...

Wow! What a touching video. If my husband were to see me right now...I'm all sniffly and teary-eyed! Definitely an inspiration.