Monday, January 5, 2009

* Another Reason... *

Here's another reason that I love my job. My students are re-working movie posters, to where they are the main characters. They turn out soooo good, and the kids LOVE them. I hang them up outside of my room and it creates a traffic jam. Here were a couple of posters that I let the kids see as examples. Look closely!


Kristen and Andy said...

Hey Kristy...

Thanks for visiting my blog...these things are pretty neat to keep up with everyone's life. Congrats on Emery - she is a cutie!!! I think the last time we saw you was in the summer at Debbie & Steve's pool. Lol - I have to laugh at how you describe Trey - I think Brooklynn could give him a run for his money and she is only 1....I'm in trouble!!

It's a small world - apparently we go to the same Dr's office too - Dr McGuirk was the on-call dr that delivered Brooklynn - he was AWESOME!! I didnt realize he had left but glad to hear he is coming back. And I'll defintely keep you posted about the garage sale - our garage is already full from just the kitchen - where does it all come from!?!?!

Janine said...

Thanks for posting and even more for praying.
I love the poster idea .... you sound like a great teacher!