Thursday, August 14, 2008

:: Please Tell Me... ::

...that it is completely normal for a 2 1/2 year old to throw themselves on the floor and scream bloody murder (not cry, just scream) when they cannot keep the Thomas the Tank Engine book from the Dr.'s office. *sigh*. Please tell me that it is completely normal for a 2 1/2 year old to scream bloody murder when it is time to leave the toy store. (notice, that one was just scream, not throw themselves on the floor....that's improvement, right???). Today has been at least a 2 margarita day, anyone game? Oh wait, stinkin' football's not bad enough yet that I would elect to drink and drive, so I guess the margaritas are out.

I'll back up for a minute. This morning started out with me needing to just "run" into the Dr.'s office to weigh Emery so that I can make sure she is gaining weight. (She is now 8 lbs 7 oz! Woo hoo!) Well, since I am mother of the year, I cannot bring myself to leave Trey in the car, while I "run" in anywhere. Simply, because Trey would probably figure out a way to hot wire the car and be on 290 before I could turn around. Long story short, Trey was reading a book while we were weighing Emery. I let him finish reading, and then one book turned into two books, and two books turned into...well, you get the point. Picture this: I'm holding Emery (b/c I elected not to lug the carrier in), and I am trying to get a kicking, falling on the floor, and screaming 2 year old out the door. EMBARASSING. (Why is it that we can't beat our children into submission in public anymore?? JUST KIDDING, don't call CPS) It doesn't help your situation when your 2 year old looks like a 4 year old. Trey's consequences: no movies in the car or at home, no books in the back of the car, and no favorite night night until nap time (this one is huge, as he carries this nasty thing everywhere)...along with me telling him how sad it makes mommy when he acts like such a bad boy. Fast forward a couple of hours. Our friend Sheila came over to go to lunch with us. Unfortunately there is a really cool toy store next door to Newk's. We discussed how we should act when mommy says it is time to go, and I explained that I was not buying him anything. He really just likes to go in there and play with the train table in the back. I caved and I let him go in, but I also thought it would be a good chance for him to redeem himself and show me he learned his lesson. Wrong, well partly wrong. This fit wasn't quite as bad. He didn't end up on the, thank God for Sheila, who was able to take Emery and I could snag Trey before he had a chance to end up on the floor. This time only partly EMBARASSED. Okay, I'm rambling...but this blog thing is a great release, at least until I can unload this on daddy about 9 o'clock tonight when he gets home.

P.S. Joe doesn't have football until tomorrow late afternoon, and he doesn't know it yet, but he is babysitting! :) Can we say RETAIL THERAPY!


Tammy said...

Well, given the fact that I don't have to deal with tantrums, I really can't give you any comfort or advice;)

I had wine & sushi with Shan Shanshria last night. Wish you could have joined us...

The Bente Family said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, do you and Michelle need to talk! Sounds just like Kyle at that age. He was obsessed with Batman - couldn't move a muscle unless his favorite Batman was in tow. He had a Batman cape - if the ears didn't stand up at just the right angle - yup! major tantrum. Since they're both my grandsons - I'll guess you'll have to blame this one on me! Definately not a Rhodes fit! Love ya'll. . .

Rachelle said...

Oh my gosh girl, you are scaring me just a little about having two kids. I love reading your blog. I feel like you are giving me a heads up on whats to come in my future. Two kids scares the crap out of me, maybe we will wait a few more months before trying again.