I've got to get moving on our Easter preparations! I have nothing, except for their outfits! I may or may not be leaving during my conference period to track something like this down for Emery's hair. I don't care if I have to glue it to her head on Sunday, she will wear it! :) If you didn't know, Emery has decided that she calls the shots and she is not a bowhead. She wins the battles, but I will win this war! :)
On Wednesday, I get to be one of the chaperones for Trey's preschool field trip. He goes to the Early Childhood Preschool lab at my school, so it's a business day for me and it won't count as one of my absences! {AWESOME} They are going to the Oil Ranch...if you don't know what it is, it's pretty much a 4 year old's dream land. Activities include: pony rides, milking a cow, dairy barn, baby animals, train rides, hay rides, and an Indian village.
The best part of the week? My FABULOUS husband ordered me a new lens for my camera. Poor guy couldn't keep a secret until Tuesday (when its being delivered) and spilled the beans. He also hooked me up with one of these...be still my heart. I'm so bad about charging my battery, this will save my life! Well, that and my poor little single battery now only charges about 60%. It's tired, and now its getting back up. I'll get to play with my new stuff at the Oil Ranch, so watch out. My next post may be a picture overload!
It's good that we have a short week, Joe and I are both volunteering at our church this weekend. If you don't have a church home, and you're in the Houston area, check it out. It is AMAZING. I will be helping out with the children's registration/sign-in for 5 out of 6 services. Trey & Emery will be stocking up with all of the Easter egg hunts each service! It's a good thing they love going!
Hope everyone has a great week!