Thursday, April 9, 2009

* Obsessed *

There's just something about this song that makes me want to roll down my car windows and shout it out. I have become slightly obsessed with it. You'll notice it is now the lead song on my player, and I don't think it will be knocked out anytime soon. Just as it makes me want to yell out the words, some days it strikes a whole other chord and I just want to cry. It's a very powerful song. This is what Easter's all about.

...And, in case you can't get enough of's a YouTube version, but you might want to turn off the player over know, the red one on the side bar.

P.S. The second song on the player...Trey sings it really well. I'm going to have to get it on video, but it might just be the cutest thing you've EVER seen...

1 comment:

Missy said...

This has been my FAVORITE song for the past month or so as well. When I walk, this just repeats the entire 30 min. AND I finally convinced Spencer to get our worship band to play it. L.O.V.E. it!!!!